Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Narcisstic Flaneur- Special Current Events Edition

Sorry to interrupt you all from your day to day, but there's a crime going on in this country right now- the media is calliing for herding all the lovers and the mentally unstable of the world and putting them in concentration camps and keeping them far from the Spartan machinery of the American state. We don't have time for 950-mile late night drives to follow our hearts.

I've been reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez.


The media obsessed with a
love-crazed astronaut, wait, I'm
sorry, the talking point is "wigged out"
we've gotta keep those
lovesick crazies away
from our spaceships and our kids,
how do we filter them
out, throw them away?
No time for the insanity of
the heart when you've got
a whole society to kill,
let's love the lazy ones
the ones who play sheep
in the face of a shepherd
sending them to graze in
death camas, yeah, that's
something to celebrate!
and let's imprison the
lovers, shame them into
their closets,
you, too, there was once
someone you'd drive forever for,
you see a mirror on the front page,
it's that passion that
makes them brilliant,
it's the channeling.
the poor woman couldn't
keep the walls up
between too many
lives anymore- it's the
hardest type of work,
takes too much study, really.
She should have kept
planting those African violets.

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